I got home yesterday and hooked up the four-wheeler to the spreader. We got this spreader from home depot and modified it. It will spread seed and fertilizer as well as dry manure. I put out 100# in 2 acres. There was already grass out there, I just want to encourage the stubs of grass to turn into a lush 12in deep bed of grass. Koda's hanging out in the front pasture instead of hers in order to allow "re-grassing."

Once that was over, it was feeding time at the ranch. Koda was hollerin' for her food. "Ok Mom, you're home, where's my dinner? You've taken too long. I'm hungry!" So I went and grabbed her feed. She gets just under 2 scoops of strategy every day and currently a box of gelatin every night.

Koda had her hoof pedicure last week and the ferrier said to feed her various amounts of gelatin to help her increase the length of her hoofs to the proper length. Koda gets to "enjoy"

the cherry flavored. It's lip-smacking good. "Like my lipstick?" It looks like my daughter when she eats colored foods.
Then the little ones get their yummies. My girl does that. They get two scoops also. (Sounds like a Raisin Bran commercial doesn't it?) Here's those loverlies getting their grub.

Then we have to put the bucket away...

I won't tell you what her nickname used to be, but I think I've seen this pose before.

Then, it rained today!!!!!!! We were told it would, but you know, in Texas, you never can tell. Here's a couple of tonight's sunset views. Now the rain can work in the fertilizer and the horse will be ecstatic.
The weather is the same here too. It was supposed to pour all day today, and we got a drizzle and now it's sunny!! LOL!!
That spreader!! How cool!! We just tilled up our lawn and we are going to be planting some grass. Can I borrow it? hee hee
What kind of seed did you use?
I just used commercial, cemical fertilizer since we already have good grass out there.
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