Yep, Takoda's my dream horse!
I rode her three times this Saturday and Sunday, and have fallen in love. I will tell mainly about the 1st ride then skim the others. But first some background. My horse friends came up from near San Antonio and

spent the weekend with us. They brought their 3 beautiful horses. Tib is an 11yr old bay and white paint gelding that a very smart 14 yr old girl rides. She is going to the state horse show on him and does well in western pleasure riding events. Chubby is a 16 yr old palomino mare that the 11 yr old sister rides in the same events and is also doing very well and going to state. The mom was riding a 4yr old buckskin mare named Demi that the family is training for a cousin of theirs. Demi is green broke and has around 6 months training. She was started when she was 2, but got hurt so was not ridden for over a year.
In addition, my Kid rode her 30 yr old horse Scarlet (the first time outside an arena since the big fall (see the helmet to the right). I rode my WONDERFUL mare Koda.
The first ride was just with the mom, Gay, and her horse. We rode out in the big pasture with the snakes, cows, and pond. Demi was trying to spoke at anything that would move, but Gay's good. She had Demi side-pass to the gate to open the gate. A side-pass is where you make the horse walk sideways instead of foward. Koda did everything that I asked her to do. I walked her behind the 4 wheeler (she hates that) and then went to the pond. There is a

ravine into the pond that draws the water from the pasture. She went down the side of the ravine and to the water. She took a sniff, a drink, and then plowed through. No extra prodding needed. Then up the steep bank on the back side of the pond and a meander around to the dry creek bed. Again the sides were steep. We followed the cow trail in and up to the other side. We can't go in that pasture because of all the bugers we might find in the tall briars. Back through that creek bed and up a steeper section out. Gay and I then began searching for logs to cross. I started it with a small limb that was maybe a 3 inch diameter and we worked our way to more complex obstacles. All of this Koda just took in stride except for one limb. It was forked and she got her back legs tangled the first time she went over it. I had to work her back to that section of the limb. We quit after the logs to get the older daughter from the train station.

When we got her home from the station, we saddled all 5 horses and walked down our dirt road for about a half mile. We had to turn back because it was dark. Danged nighttime interferring with our riding! Again, Koda did everything I asked her to.
Today, we rode at the church arena after church. I go to a
cowboy church and they just got the arena ready enough that people can cautiously ride. It still needs work but the church has only been open for 2 months. The kid wasn't feeling good so she just went home with her dad. I cantered (loped) on Koda for the first time today. I felt like I was going to fall of the whole time I cantered. I adjusted the stirrups and still felt like that. We do well in short distance trots but I really enjoy trail rides so I guess trot and canter are not very important right now. I guess that's something we have to work on. We did more trailriding type rides there and then came home.
Now that's a weekend like I have always wanted to have.