So the first "fish" is about the Health care bill #3200 and the White House's latest response to America's outcry. Check out these websites:
I feel like this could be a repeat of the Mccarthy Communist Hearings in the mid-50s. The White House recently asked Americans to report to the government any "fishy" e-mails or other information that they hear including the email address and/or contact information of the "mis-informants". So the first link is where the White House makes the request. The second and third are links to a copy of the bill (may not be current) and a response by the Georgia Christian Alliance. Maybe I should report myself. I DON'T want THIS bill to pass. There has to be a different way. I am not smart enough to know it though. It may have something to do with the churches stepping in. One of my issues with this bill is that I don't live in a socialist country and don't want to convert.
Now off the soapbox, so to speak, and on to the second fish. We have started a ranch experiment. I picked up 2 algea eaters and placed them in the horse trough. We want to see if that will help us in the quest for cleaner water and a healthier horse.

Then the final subject, "Life." I REALLY want to ride for 7 days in a row. However, today I left the house early with my MIL and went to Bryan- an hour drive. I didn't get home until after 1. It was HOT. When it finally cooled off, I was at church and didn't get home until after dark. There went the ride. Oh well, Friday was gonna be bad anyway.
I don't think having health care requires conversion. But it does require insurance companies to take it on the chin.
Which is why you'll find out that many of these emails are coming from those guys. They are very, very, bad people. And they aren't going to let one dime loose without an ugly fight.
I guess when you don't have a child who the insurance companies refuse to cover, it's no big deal. But I do and I want a better future for her.
Make sure you check with one of the many fact check groups online. There's so much misinformation all over that as christians, it's putting everyone in a situation of spreading false witness... I had to give my aunt this information because she was helping spread lies. She was much relieved to have a resource she could check.
This group fact checks both sides, is not part of the media and it's where I go when I'm looking for the facts and not the spin.
My girl has CP, I have to insure her through my work.
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