It's that time again. Spring, when all God's creatures turn their hearts towards love and flowers. And Koda gets to make a very special trip. So we loaded up and drove the 45 min down to her favorite person, the vet! Koda got her blood drawn for coggins, then her Tetanus and West Nile shot. I used think that the WNV shot was a big hype, but we think that my friend's horse died from WNV. Anyway. He then gave her a sedative and she started stumbling around. It was kind of funny except it was then that the vet then thought about the fact that he should have sedated her AFTER she was in the wash rack and secure. We finally got her there with the help of a broom handle.

Then the midevil torture began. It's teeth floating time. We have had Koda for about a year and I have never had any horse's teeth floated. They talked about putting Scarlet completely to sleep to float her's. But since she was almost 30, there was not much point in grinding teeth that weren't there. So I was interested in seeing how it was done. It was kind of weird. The doc worked on her for a little while and about the time that he was done,

she started waking up again.
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