...Just like the one's I used to know...
I live in Central Texas. You know, cactus, scorpions, tumbleweeds and super hot. Except that right now it's below 30 degrees and today it did not get above 35.
(and the horse related stuff) Yesterday when I got home from work, the wind was blowing and the temp was around 30 and felt like 20!! I decided that my central Texas horse needed her horse blankie. I went to put it on her and she kept walking away. My kid had a band concert to perform in so I let Koda go without the blanket. We went to the concert and it started raining. Umm, rain in less than 30 degree weather = ice. When we got home, I gathered the halter (used my brain this time) and blanket. Koda had a layer of ice in her mane and on her tail. Poor thing was cold. She doesn't normally stand in the run-in shed, but there she was. I hope she doesn't get sick from me putting the blanket on her while her coat was wet.
I don't remember having it this cold before Christmas before. It usually doesn't happen until at least February.
(Oh the picture is from April, 2007 - Our rottie, Tama.)
Wow...that's not the kind of weather you think of when you think of Texas! Hope your soggy horse will be OK!
By the way...you won a CD over at Our First Horse. Where shall we send it? Let me know at mikki@ourfirsthorse.com.
We didn't get the ice, but it's been too cold for this thin blooded Texan too. I think it hit freezing, we had cars slippin all over the place!
Koda sounds like Canyon - always willing to run off. We've done so many disengagements he now comes home with a VERY quiet attitude! Everyone comments on it and I just laugh. The road home can be very long, right?
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